
Annual Meeting with the Theme of “Keep Moving Ahead”

Release date:2022-03-04

On February 11, a welcome annual meeting with the theme of “Keep Moving Ahead” ended successfully. In order to celebrate the area of 4000㎡ office building had built up, we held this “Family Banquet” in Biuged. All members of BIUGED Company got together to congratulate the achievements of the past year and look forward to the development in 2022.

In order to enhance the unity of the team and enrich the cultural life of employees, before the beginning of the annual meeting, we also organized 15 team games, which is wonderful and  the atmosphere at the scene was full of tension and friendship. All the employees of the company showed a vigorous and energetic spirit, which further stimulated their enthusiasm to achieve new achievements and contribute new force.



At the opening of the conference, Mr. Wang Chongwu, the general manager of the company, made a comprehensive summary of the work in 2021, and affirmed the achievements of 2021. He quoted the words from President in 2022 New Year's speech, called on all the colleagues to be more determined, more enthusiastic, down-to-earth and never stop for the industry, the nation and the development of the country in the new year.


Excellent individuals and advanced teams are the powerful force for the development and growth of Biuged. We always attached great importance to the development of talent, actively reserve talent and incentive outstanding staff. At this annual meeting, we rewarded more than 25 employees who made outstanding achievements and contributions to the development of the company in 2021.


By 2021, there are more five colleagues worked in BIUGED Company for ten years, and Mr. Wang Chongwu gave award and thanked every employee for their persistence.



"Ten-year staffs"

The most exciting part of the annual meeting is to take the lucky prizes. There are five awards, and 66 exquisite gifts are sent out. With the awards picked one after another, applause and cheers have been rippling on the scene. The colleagues all showed happy smiles.


At the end of the annual meeting, the most exciting part is fireworks show, which is gorgeous and dazzling. In order to celebrate the completion of the new building in BIUGED, fireworks are blooming over the new building. I believe all our colleagues are also full of joy and excitement at the moment. This gorgeous fireworks also opened a new chapter towards the brilliant 2022!


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Biuged Precise Instruments (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd

AddNO.15, Fuzhong Rd., Zhongxin Town, 

Zengcheng District, Guangzhou.China




Biuged Instruments Co.,Ltd.

Add:RM.310, NO.1, Sicheng Rd.,
Tianhe District, Guangzhou.China



Biuged Precise Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

Add:Room 906, 9th Floor, Zhongcai Industrial Park, No.1111 Zhu Feng Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China



  Biuged Laboratory Instruments (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.   Guangdong ICP record number:11044672