
APCS 2023 | Automatic and Intelligent Testing Instrument of BIUGED is a Highlight of the Coatings Exhibition

Release date:2023-09-12

From September 6th to 8th, the Asia Pacific Coatings Show 2023 (APCS 2023) was held in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. BIUGED team participated in this grand event together with the local agent, and had in-depth exchanges with customers from around the world. At the exhibition, BIUGED fully showed our strong research and development capabilities, technical services, product advantages, and providing a one-stop solution for coatings industry.



APCS 2023 is a highly influential coatings exhibition in the Asia Pacific, held annually since in 1991. Thailand, as one of the important markets in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ coatings industry, serves as a bridge for Asia Pacific coatings companies to expand their market. It should be certain that, APCS is a leading event in the Southeast Asian and Asia-Pacific coatings industry.



During the exhibition, BIUGED's professional sales and technical team provided consulting services and answered various questions for visitors throughout the event. At this exhibition, BIUGED focused on showing a series of automatic and intelligent testing instruments, which attracting numerous customers to stop by, observe and experience.



BIUGED has been participating in international trade shows in the coatings industry for many years, aiming to strengthen its presence in the international market. In the future, BIUGED will continue to provide professional and precise automatic and intelligent testing instruments for the coatings industry, continuously enhancing its core competitiveness. We will further expand and explore international markets, actively seek new opportunities for development, and consistently show the strength of the BIUGED brand to the world. Through continuous innovation and high-quality products and service, we will ensure that BIUGED gains wider recognition and influence on the international stage.

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Biuged Precise Instruments (Guangzhou) Co.,Ltd

AddNO.15, Fuzhong Rd., Zhongxin Town, 

Zengcheng District, Guangzhou.China




Biuged Instruments Co.,Ltd.

Add:RM.310, NO.1, Sicheng Rd.,
Tianhe District, Guangzhou.China



Biuged Precise Instruments (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

Add:Room 906, 9th Floor, Zhongcai Industrial Park, No.1111 Zhu Feng Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China



  Biuged Laboratory Instruments (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.   Guangdong ICP record number:11044672